Job Scheduling Management System
The Job Scheduling Management System is designed to manage and schedule human resources and all other related services. Objective is to provide Quality of Service computational in scheduling jobs on web based platform. JSM is 100% web-based application which justifies a user can manage their business remotely either from a browser, desktop or mobile device.
Team Management enables to create and edit team settings.
Client Management allows us to store and manage information about clients.
Job Management permits for job postings and their status.
Go beyond limits to track the business.
Graphical representation of the clients and jobs.
Administrative job is eased with highly interactive interface.
Job Scheduler helps you to schedule and monitor complex batch processes from one streamlined interface.
Detailed Job requests are created when we want to schedule a new job, change or delete a job.
Jobs can be Scheduled daily, weekly or monthly basis with specified job description.
Monitoring of jobs is possible due to attractive and detailed dashboard, which is user friendly.
Reports helps to manage user roles, schedule report runs.
Generated Reports can be printed and exported in PDF, EXCEL, and CSV.